Social Media

How Social Media affects College Students

How Social Media affects College Students

The integration of Internet technologies in education has provided a variety of learning opportunities that all people around the world have access to. Currently, students experience the exchange of ideas, information, and resources that reach beyond textbooks and class lectures utilizing social media. Platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and many more provide students with free, unlimited access to information and online communication. Let’s discuss how social media usage can contribute to better student learning.

Advantages of Social Media for Students

Social networks are computer or mobile applications that provide easy ideas, information, data, and thoughts exchange. These apps were designed to let people share any type of content in real time quickly, efficiently and quickly.

Many people used to believe that social media platforms serve a distraction for students, which is wrong. Social media has many positive features that can benefit students’ education, life, and career.

  1. Teaching tool

Social media apps can be a useful learning tool for colleges and universities. Students use them to get access to free information, scholarly articles, books, and documentary films which can be used for writing papers, reports, book reviews.

In addition, teachers can use this knowledge. They have created webinars, online discussion forums, and similar platforms to improve college learning.

  1. Share information

With social media, students share ideas, opinions, study materials, tips and other helpful information with each other. They exchange useful materials for preparing for exams and classes. At the same time, educational organizations like TopWritersReview, use social media to share handy guides, samples, reviews of writing services essential for students. Accessing legit education sites allows keeping up with homework.

  1. News Updates

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit, Quora keep students up-to-date with their friends’ lives and family events and keep them informed about the latest news from all over the world.

You just scroll through your news feed and get snapshots of news, events, technological developments, jobs, entertainment, and hot topics from around the world.

  1. Advanced learning management systems

Learning Management Systems is a web-based software application designed to administer, document, track, report, and deliver training courses and learning programs. Learning in Learning Management Systems comprises such features as instant chats, video calls, forums, data exchange, and other resources that help students. Most LMS systems are integrated with built-in social networks, allowing students to interact, participate and facilitate collaboration on team projects.

  1. Creating supportive online communities

The Internet helps create a sense of belonging to any organization, group, or community with similar interests, life problems, or specialties.

In online communities, students can get news, receive support from people with similar issues in life or college. It is a great place to find a friend, like-minded people, and help each other by sharing experiences, knowledge, and pieces of advice.

  1. Distance learning opportunities

There are some students who cannot afford to go to a traditional college every day due to various reasons. Social media tools let them get a formal education through participation in distance learning programs.

Today, delivering webinars via Zoom or live lectures via Skype is the way to enable students who live in remote areas to access online classes and fully utilize social media for educational purposes, communication with classmates, professors, and college staff.

Drawbacks of Social Media

Constant social media platforms without any valid purpose distract students from their educational goals. In addition, students who regularly use social media may lose the ability to communicate face to face. Also, students can write harmful messages about other students or become victims of cyberbullying.


The use of social media in education has made learning fun. Students learn and adapt to the world using a relatively new form of communication that is faster, saves time, and is more efficient. Social media has the potential to revolutionize global education if used right.

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About the author



Tom is a gizmo-savvy guy, who has a tendency to get pulled into the nitty gritty details of technology. He attended UT Austin, where he studied Information Science. He’s married and has three kids, one dog and 2 cats. With a large family, he still finds time to share tips and tricks on phones, tablets, wearables and more. You won’t see Tom anywhere without his ANC headphones and the latest smartphone. Oh, and he happens to be an Android guy, who also has a deep appreciation for iOS.