Social Media

How to See What Someone Likes on Facebook

How to See What Someone Likes on Facebook

Facebook is all about interacting and connecting with your friends and family. You can post images of your day, as well as share your views on a trending topic. What’s more, you can chat with your loved ones and catch up if you have been away. If there is one social media platform that everyone loves, it is Facebook.

One thing that you can do on Facebook is like certain pages for other people to see. There are a lot of different Pages that are available on Facebook. So, you might want to know what someone is interested in and you are going to get a very good idea by what type of pages they like on the social media website. For instance, there are pages for bands, celebrities, locations and even food and sports teams. So, if you were able to see someone’s likes, you could figure out how much you have in common with that person.

But, is there a way to see the pages that someone has liked on Facebook. Well, thankfully, there is and it is pretty easy once you know how. So, let’s get started and see how to see what someone likes on Facebook.

How Can I View Someone’s Facebook Likes?

Would you like to view someone’s likes on Facebook? We are going to go through the steps you need to take to do this. First of all, you are going to want to open up the Facebook app. This can be on your smartphone device or a tablet. Next, you need to visit the person’s profile on Facebook. So, use the search bar and type in their name. Click on the person and go to their profile. The next step is to click the ‘about’ tab of the person. If you scroll down, there is going to be a tab next to Likes that says ‘see all’. This is going to bring up a list and you are going to be able to see all of the likes they have on Facebook.

Something that you have to be aware of is that if your friend has hidden their Likes, this is going to mean that you cannot see them. This is a feature that you can change on Facebook that is going to give you some privacy. Alternatively, someone might not have liked any pages on Facebook. In this case, you are not going to get a list and nothing is going to be displayed.

Can You View Liked Photos or Posts?

Let’s all be honest and say that we have stalked other people’s pages on Facebook! This is something that is very common on social media and you can find out a lot about someone with what they post and how they interact with others on the website. So, this is why people stalk others that they like or even people that they do not like.

There used to be a time on Facebook where you could view the activities of others. In other words, you could see what posts they have liked and any images they have liked on the social media platform. But, this has changed in the last few years and you are no longer able to see a list of these activities on Facebook. This was a change that came in back in 2019 and allowed people some privacy when they are using the social media platform.

Can I See Who Has Viewed My Profile?

One of the most common questions people ask when it comes to Facebook is; can I see who has viewed my profile? The answer to this question is no. This is something that remains private on Facebook. There is no way to know who has viewed your profile or if they are checking up on your every day. Unless they like your posts, there is no way to tell the people that are looking at what you post on this social media platform.

To Summarize

Everyone is guilty of Facebook stalking every now and again. After all, people post a lot about their lives online for others to see. If you like someone, you can easily find out where they have been, as well as what they are interested in. The same goes for someone that you do not like; all of the information they put on Facebook is something that you can learn and see when you are on the social media app. Let’s summarize what we have learned about seeing someone’s likes on Facebook.

When you are on Facebook, you have the option to like certain pages. This can be of hobbies or activities you enjoy, as well as for celebrities and sports teams. So, if you are looking at someone’s profile on Facebook, you might want to see the pages they have liked to figure out what you have in common or what someone is interested in. So, the question that a lot of people had was; how do you see these likes on Facebook?

Well, it is simple to see page likes. All you have to do is visit the person’s Facebook profile and click the ‘about’ tab, which is going to bring up information about a person. Then, near the bottom of the page, there is going to be a ‘likes’ tab. If you click ‘see all’, you are going to be able to see all of the pages they have liked on Facebook. But, if there person has set this to private, you are not going to be able to see them. So, you will have to check and you are not guaranteed to see them all.

However, if you are looking to see different likes when you are looking at someone’s Facebook, you are out of luck. In particular, you are not going to be able to see what photos or posts that person has liked. While this used to be a feature on the app, it was removed in 2019.

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About the author



Emily is a freelance writer and considers herself to be a lifelong learner, who has a fascination for all things new. She enjoys spending time writing about mobile tech, tablets, home tech gadgets, and more. She earned her BA in English Literature at the University of Boulder. Emily is an avid hiker who loves the mountain vistas of the Rockies. If she’s not trekking the mountains, you’ll find her chilling at home with some of the great fantasy novels, such as The Lord of the Rings, or playing her favorite video games.