
10 Things Clients Notice on Your Website

10 Things Clients Notice on Your Website

Creating a website that gains attention takes a while. And it requires a conscious approach to what and how to present there. Luckily, there are studies and best practices that help do that right. 

This is especially important for small business owners or those just starting. For example, students who want to build their platform or eCommerce store. It is important to know what visitors see first and what they pay attention to. 

Such research and work on design might take a while, but it is necessary. Students do not usually have a lot of time to devote to all things they need. They have to tackle lots of college work, including a large number of written assignments. It is hard to find time to learn more about web design principles when you are stuck with college papers. 

Fortunately, there is a way to do everything with a little help from others. Students can get professional assistance with thesis paper writing by WritePaper or any other type of college assignment. It is a professional academic writing platform that helps create and perfect one’s work. 

One can delegate proofreading or editing to experts and get their hands on the website. Here are the things visitors notice and pay attention to. 

10 Things Clients Notice on Your Website

General Layout

The first impression takes less than a second to make. According to the Missouri University of Science and Technology research, people make their minds about the page in two-tenths of a second. 

Visitors spend no more than 2.6 seconds scanning the site before focusing on one particular thing. So it is incredibly important how the page looks as a whole. The first impression is crucial to how people will interact with the platform. 

The must-have sections to pay extra attention to are: 

  • The logotype; 
  • Navigation menu; 
  • Search box; 
  • The main/biggest image on the page; 
  • The bottom part of the page; 
  • Links to social media.

Users usually expect navigation to be on the top of the page. However, they also want to see the contact information on the bottom. And they need to have a clear idea of what the brand is about. 


Another thing that catches the eye right away is the consistency of the design and style. For example, if the main page is done in one manner and the others are different, it might be seen as a red flag. 

Consistency in design, colors, style, and brand voice all help build the company’s authenticity. But, imagine if a person would act drastically differently every single day – you’d find it hard to trust which of the behaviors is authentic. 

The same principle goes to the brand’s representation online. And authenticity and integrity are essential to earning loyal customers and building long-term relationships with them. 


The next strong point in a website is the part with third-party validation. It includes:

  • Customer testimonials; 
  • Reviews; 
  • Case studies; 
  • Awards; 
  • Referrals from trusted sources. 

This is another factor that builds trust in a brand. Make sure you add such a section to the main page. If you are working with some well-known companies, you can list them as partners or clients. Seeing that organizations and people find you credible helps customers trust you more. 

Secure Socket Layer

It is also known as SSL, which provides encryption protection for online platforms. It is essential for any type of site, but especially for eCommerce. If you work with people’s data, you need to show that it is protected. 

Everyone is conscious about their data online, and no one wants to trust their payment information to a shady provider. So use the advanced security measures and make them visible to customers. 


It is always interesting how studies and surveys can help a business. For example, according to the Eyetrack III study, the headlines are the most viewed sections on a page. People focus on them more than on images or any other part of the page. 

A headline is what the page is about. Reading it, users make up their minds whether they want to scroll further. So make sure your headline has all the vital information in it. 

It needs to be bold, comprehensive, and visually pleasing. 

White Space

A good website has a decent amount of white space. The reason is simple – it directly impacts reading comprehension. When you decrease the white space on the page, it drops dramatically. 

People will not pay as much attention to the text. And if it is extremely overcrowded, they might not even bother to start reading. 

Make sure your website is balanced in terms of white space. Typography should also be readable and properly spaced.

10 Things Clients Notice on Your Website 2

Offers and Calls to Action

This might seem like a no-brainer, but it is an incredibly powerful tool to use. Making an offer for visitors when they open the website can be a major plus. 

A call to action is also crucial. CTA needs to be clear and strong to let visitors know what they should do next. 

You can incorporate graphic elements as well, like arrows or big buttons. 

Color Hierarchy 

The debate about what color drives sales is endless. The point is not in a specific color but in a way, something stands out in a picture.

No matter what colors you choose, set a limit to 2-3 of them. And create a visual hierarchy, which means:

  • Background color; 
  • The basic color of the text; 
  • Standout color/shade of the sections you want to highlight. 

Have an “action color,” the one you always use when you want a customer to take action. 


Incorporate a section or contact where customers can give feedback. It is an easy thing that lets them know that you care about what they have to say. 

It shows that the communication is less one-sided here. 


Another essential and simple thing is to give clients closure. For example, when they’ve made a purchase, show a message that confirms it. The same goes for any operation or action they’ve done, like subscribing to a newsletter. 


Web design is, in many cases, about user experience. When working on your platform, think of what customers want to see and how to deliver it. 

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About the author



Tom is a gizmo-savvy guy, who has a tendency to get pulled into the nitty gritty details of technology. He attended UT Austin, where he studied Information Science. He’s married and has three kids, one dog and 2 cats. With a large family, he still finds time to share tips and tricks on phones, tablets, wearables and more. You won’t see Tom anywhere without his ANC headphones and the latest smartphone. Oh, and he happens to be an Android guy, who also has a deep appreciation for iOS.