
Online Learning: A look into the new world

Online learning: A look into the new world

With a rise in technological applications used to communicate and transfer information, the world is on the path to digitization today. In a traditional classroom, learning is limited by the teacher’s knowledge and the resources available to them. Furthermore, engaging students with the outside world provides them with the opportunity to gain new knowledge. 

However, with the advent of E-learning tools and online learning resources, things are evolving and education is becoming more holistic. Here are a few examples:

Evolution of E-Learning

When E-learning was new, courses were created by professionals using complex software. As technologies developed, the task of creating online courses became simpler. Today, anyone can create them without having to learn coding or programming. Similarly, it is also easier for learners to access online education today. The use of tablets and smartphones for online classes, webinars, and web seminars is increasing today.

Types of E-Learning

There are various methods by which learning is presented to students through the use of the internet. It can be in the form of live sessions and video conferencing by using zoom, google meets, or similar platforms, recorded lectures and various other methods. The best way is to use an LMS that will provide you with all the above features in one single platform. A few examples of LMS with various functions are Latitude Learning, Docebo, Litmos, and many more. 

Elements of E-Learning

E-learning and its success are due to the various factors that led it to it. 

Some important elements of e-Learning that made it stand out are as follows:

  1. It is accessible to anyone, anywhere, and anytime.
  2. It can be optimized and personalized depending on the learners, company, and other requirements.
  3. It is interactive, engaging, and more fun to learn.
  4. Learning becomes easy and learners enjoy the process.
  5. It is available on various devices, and various multimedia can be used. 

Advantages of E-Learning

Online learning allows schools to offer as many courses as they wish without having to worry about factors such as classrooms or facilities. Some added advantages are as follows:


With E-learning courses, learners have the flexibility to learn from anywhere, they don’t need to be present physically at any location. 

One platform for all courses.

There are thousands of online educational courses, degree programs, and certification programs available today. In contrast to traditional face-to-face learning modes, e-Learning does not restrict students’ access to study fields. 


The cost required for traditional learning such as space, teachers, course material, and various other things is reduced. Not only for institutions but the cost is also reduced for students as they can cut on traveling, living, and other expenses.

Interactive learning

Students can interact with instructors and other learners without being hesitant. As a result, they can understand the concepts and things they are taught easily.

Flexible timetables

While learning through traditional methods, there are several factors that are fixed such as class timing, course timetable, and various things. E-learning provides students with flexible schedules, where they can select their preferred time to learn, place, and device. They can pause the course in the middle and start where they left off, can skip the part they have learned, and thus, can learn better. 

E-learning is primarily used in the academic world, but it has been adopted by a variety of industries as well to train their employees and customers. The practice allows firms to reduce costs while educating their staff, and it also helps save them time.


As technology rapidly advances, it has a profound impact on the ways in which learning is delivered. As a term, e-learning encompasses a broad range of electronic methods for facilitating education, and the process itself. These include online classrooms, online courses, collaborative learning, pre-recorded classes, and many more. Thus, e-learning is a good method for flexible and distance learning.

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About the author



Tom is a gizmo-savvy guy, who has a tendency to get pulled into the nitty gritty details of technology. He attended UT Austin, where he studied Information Science. He’s married and has three kids, one dog and 2 cats. With a large family, he still finds time to share tips and tricks on phones, tablets, wearables and more. You won’t see Tom anywhere without his ANC headphones and the latest smartphone. Oh, and he happens to be an Android guy, who also has a deep appreciation for iOS.