Author - David

Avatar photoDavid is an avid fan of gadgets and electronics. He’s a self-taught genius with technology and enjoys creating how-to-guides, tips on the best iOS apps, and more. David got started writing on tech topics with his own blog, where his posts were friendly and informative. He focuses on writing posts that will help those who are not tech savvy master their gadgets. When he’s not writing on tech topics, you’ll find him out hiking with his camera and dog, reading some fantastic sci-fi, or playing the latest game on his Switch.


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Have you ever wondered how much money filmmakers make on their big movies? Indeed, there are many people that want to know the financial situation of...


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Most people watch the news. This is how they digest what is going on in the world. In addition, after the daily news reports, there is often the weather. You...


6ix9ine Net Worth

There are a few celebrity names that just keep coming up in the media. One of them is 6ix9ine. For example, this is a name you are going to see on social...


Val Kilmer Net Worth

Are you always wondering how much cash celebrities have? Indeed, actors are often paid a lot of money to star in big movies. In particular, men are paid very...


TikTok: KYS Meaning

If you are new to the world of TikTok, know that there are a few things you need to know. First, you are going to have access to endless videos and content...


TikTok: Sussy Baka Meaning

Do you know what Sussy Baka means? This is just one of the phrases you are going to see used on TikTok. Everyone finds it hilarious and sometimes, it can take...