
Steps to keep your phone safe in 2022

Steps to keep your phone safe in 2022

In 2022, it is predicted that there will be nearly 3.5 billion smartphone users. The power these devices possess is astronomical: billions of dollars can be transferred with the tap of a finger, and critical information is fair game to be viewed by hackers. Starting today, you need to be more proactive in keeping your data safe and secure on your phone.

Password Protect Your Phone

One of the easiest ways to keep your phone safe is by using a password manager. A password manager helps you create strong passwords and will protect them from being cracked by hackers.

Another option is to enable biometric authentication on your devices, such as Face ID or Touch ID. These are more secure than simple passcodes because they use additional information about your face or fingerprint to verify that you are whom you say you are. By enabling this feature, hackers won’t be able to access your phone unless they have a photo of what’s in front of the camera when it scans for identification—and even then, it might not work because these features change over time depending on how much sun exposure our faces get (which affects fingerprints).

You should avoid relying solely on default passwords or using any personal information like birthdays or pets’ names as part of a PIN code since they’re easy targets if someone gets their hands on them and knows enough about your life already so that guessing isn’t difficult either! Likewise, don’t share any information with anyone else if asked—it doesn’t matter whether it seems harmless at first glance!

Never Leave Your Phone in Public

In order to keep your phone safe in 2022, the most important thing you can do is never leave it unattended. This includes not leaving it in public places like restaurants, coffee shops, and bars. It also means not leaving it in your car or in a changing room at the gym. The best place to put your phone when you’re not using it is right where you left it: on a table or somewhere else that’s visible and accessible only to people who know where they are going.

This doesn’t just apply to leaving phones out for everyone to see either; if there’s any chance someone might come across it while searching for something else—a wallet or an ID card—then make sure that person knows how valuable what they’ve found actually is before letting them get their hands on any sensitive information!

Stay Away from Public WiFi

This is a big one, and it can be hard to avoid. It’s not just that we don’t feel like paying for internet access—the problem is that using public WiFi leaves us vulnerable to hackers who want to steal our passwords and personal information. This is because when we’re connected over public WiFi, we’re connecting directly with another device (not through a VPN). Hackers are able to easily access this information because these networks aren’t secure enough.

Backup Your Data

You will want to be able to recover your photos, contacts, and other information if your phone gets stolen. Backing up data is easy and can be done automatically with a few taps in the settings menu of your phone or tablet. The best way to back up your data is by using an encrypted service like Google Drive or iCloud; this ensures that thieves won’t have access to it even if they manage to crack the encryption on your backup file. It’s also important that you ensure that you have copies of all important files stored elsewhere (like on another computer or hard drive).

Use A Virtual Private Network (VPN)

The internet is an amazing place, but it can also be a dangerous one. With the data breaches of recent years plus the rise of increasingly sophisticated cybercrime, your personal information is at risk. You should take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones by using a virtual private network (VPN) on all of your devices.

A VPN is software that encrypts your internet connection and hides your location in order to protect against hackers and other threats while you’re online. If you want to keep up with the news or send emails without worrying about hackers stealing sensitive information, then you need to use a VPN on all of your devices—and now’s the time to start thinking about it!

Only Access Secure Sites

In 2022, you will have to be extremely careful when it comes to accessing websites over public WiFi. That’s because cybercriminals will be more likely than ever to target users who connect their devices to insecure networks. In order for a website to be considered secure, the address bar must include either a lock icon or the HTTPS protocol (this stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).

In addition, if you’re using your mobile data on a smartphone or tablet, make sure that any financial transactions are done through apps such as PayPal and Venmo instead of directly on your device’s browser. On Android phones, you could be tempted to download apps (that aren’t available on the Play Store) from shady websites, which could cause threaten your privacy ultimately. Want to avoid that? Well, mobile security for Android phones doesn’t take a lot of effort if you have reliable antivirus software installed.

If you absolutely must use public WiFi at times—and there are some legitimate reasons why you might need this—use an encrypted VPN service before logging in any sensitive information or making purchases online.

Make Use of the Security Features in Your Phone

You should make use of the security features on your phone. Mobile Security for iOS isn’t too complicated as it’s loaded with a lot of reliable security features. You can do this by using Touch ID or Face ID, which is a fingerprint scanner that allows you to sign in to your phone with just one touch. If you need more than one password to get through every day, consider turning on two-factor authentication for all of your social media accounts and other personal sites.

Use a password manager app like LastPass or 1Password to generate strong passwords for you—it will save them all in one place, so you don’t have to remember them all!

You can also use proxy servers, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), firewalls, encryption software, antivirus software, and more!

Preventive measures to protect your phone

You can protect your phone and your information with some preventative measures. First, make sure that you take all of the steps described in this article. Second, don’t leave your phone unattended. Third, don’t share your phone with strangers. Fourth, don’t access unsecured sites on the internet; instead, only visit sites that have secure web addresses (HTTPS). Fifth, never leave your smartphone lying around where others could get access to it; if you want to put it down for a minute or two while on public transportation or at work (not recommended), then turn off WiFi and Bluetooth first so no one can hack into the device while they’re using those features either (and be sure those services are turned back on after you pick up again).

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About the author



Tom is a gizmo-savvy guy, who has a tendency to get pulled into the nitty gritty details of technology. He attended UT Austin, where he studied Information Science. He’s married and has three kids, one dog and 2 cats. With a large family, he still finds time to share tips and tricks on phones, tablets, wearables and more. You won’t see Tom anywhere without his ANC headphones and the latest smartphone. Oh, and he happens to be an Android guy, who also has a deep appreciation for iOS.