
Brightburn 2 Release Date

Brightburn 2 Release Date

Everyone loves superheroes. Over the past few years, people have rushed to theatres to see the latest movies, as well as to tune in to new television series. Superhero fans love adventure and action as their favorite people save the world. This has led the industry to create more sequels and even prequels to add to popular superheroes and their stories.

But, it is not just superheroes that people love. There are also fans that like to watch villains. Indeed, they want to know more about them and how their personality and behavior is the way that it is. This is something that has happened to Brightburn and now fans want to see a second movie. Let’s dive head first into this topic.

Who is Brightburn?

First of all, let’s start by explaining who Brightburn is. Well, he is the main protagonist in the movie and is what we call a ‘supervillain’. His full name is Brandon Breyer but he is called Brightburn. But, he is no ordinary human. Instead, he is said to be an extra-terrestrial that is on earth. When he lands in Brightburn, Kansas, he is adopted by two people that could not have children of their own. Of course, they did not know who he was or that he had a dark side to him.

Brandon grew up with the couple. But, when he got older, he soon realized that he had super abilities. In particular, he was stronger than an ordinary person. In addition, he gets into trouble and is called everything from creepy to a stalker. In fact, he even ends up murdering his own mother, as well as others he knows. It gets to the point where his own father tries to shoot him but this does not kill him. He has deadly laser vision too. As you can imagine, Brightburn goes on a rampage and is willing to cause destruction at every turn.

A lot of people loved the movie called Brightburn. This meant that the producers knew there was space to create a sequel. Fans would rush to see it and if they could get the story right, it would be a huge hit. As a way to prove how popular the first movie was, it has a budget of $6 million. But, it managed to generate $13 million at the box office.

When is the Release Date for Brightburn 2?

If you like Brightburn, you are going to be excited and eager to find out when Brightburn 2 is released. Well, we can confirm that there is not an official date for this release yet so we do not have a day or month that you can expect this to happen. All we can say is that the producer is James Gunn. He is currently working on The Suicide Squad and this means that he has not yet started on Brightburn 2. He would only be able to do this once he is finished on his current project.

There are rumors that Brightburn 2 might be concluded in 2022. But, as we have said, these are just rumors and there is no official confirmation of this being the case yet. There is no trailer released.

What could Brightburn 2 Be About?

Of course, since there is no information released about Brightburn 2 yet, it is hard to say with certainty what the movie is going to be about. But, what is interesting is, there were some clips after the credits that may act as clues. In particular, they dive into what Brandon is currently doing.

In particular, we can see that Brightburn is able to cause destruction. This means being able to kill a lot of people, as well as destroy buildings. In addition, he leaves his double B logo behind so that the public know he has been there. So, you know that you are not going to be viewing a typical superhero movie.

In addition, there is a suggestion that there could be superpowered monsters in the next movie. This was revealed by a collusion theorist in the credits. Specifically, there could be a marine beast.

To Summarize

Right now, superhero movies are in. People love adventure and action. In particular, they enjoy watching heroes save the world. But, there are always going to be those that enjoy the opposite and watching destruction and evil. Indeed, it can make a change from superhero movies and create a villain that is interesting to watch. This has been what has happened to Brightburn and the movie was a huge hit. Let’s summarize what we know about a sequel and whether there is a release date.

If you have never heard of Brightburn, it was a movie that was exciting and people loved the evil element of the film. In particular, it was the opposite of a superhero and Brightburn was an extra-terrestrial ready to create havoc on earth. While he was adopted by two people that could not have children, they would see their deaths caused by the ‘person’ they tried to raise.

The movie was a hit and generated $13 million at the box office. So, since everyone enjoyed this movie so much, they want to know when to expect the next one. Indeed, the producers of the film have recognized how much of a hit it was and are now thinking about creating a second movie.

Is there a release date? Well, rumors say that Brightburn 2 could be produced in 2022. But, since we are over halfway through the year, we are not sure if these rumors are correct. There has been no official confirmation yet. The producer, James Gunn, is working on The Suicide Squad and this is going to be taking up a lot of his time. So, it is unlikely that he will start on Brightburn 2 until he has enough time to give it the attention the movie deserves. This way, fans are not going to be disappointed with the movie.

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David is an avid fan of gadgets and electronics. He’s a self-taught genius with technology and enjoys creating how-to-guides, tips on the best iOS apps, and more. David got started writing on tech topics with his own blog, where his posts were friendly and informative. He focuses on writing posts that will help those who are not tech savvy master their gadgets. When he’s not writing on tech topics, you’ll find him out hiking with his camera and dog, reading some fantastic sci-fi, or playing the latest game on his Switch.